Luxurious windows and frames

Answering Your Questions About Specialty Window Repair

If you have leaded or stained glass windows that are broken, chipped or showing signs of damage, you don't necessarily need to toss them out just yet. A repair technician can usually repair any type of antique or specialty window, restoring its appearance and even its value. To ensure you know what's involved in this work and that it gets done properly, note a few questions you might have about the process and about your windows in general, and discuss the leadlight repairs with a technician as needed.

Can stained glass be matched exactly?

Today's stained glass may be created with the same computer-matching technology that is used for other paint applications, including wall and car paint; a repair technician doesn't typically just "eyeball" a colour when staining glass for repairs. Glass can then be stained the same colour as an original piece in a window or door, and used as replacement for broken glass, or you can replace faded pieces with something new and more true to the original colour.

Can leaded glass be salvaged if the lead is leaking?

Leaded glass refers to glass that has lengths of lead along its surface, creating a design or the look of smaller panes. Over time, this lead can soften and then leak into the glass itself, causing unsightly stains and streaks. To repair the glass, a technician may need to remove the sections of glass that are stained and remove the lead itself. A new section of glass can be cut and new lead put in place, without harming the rest of the window or glass door.

Note, however, that the technician may check all the lead during this repair to see if it's very soft; if so, it can be good to have the entire pane of glass replaced, and new lead added. This can ensure the strength of the glass, and avoid future staining.

Can specialty glass be insulated or strengthened somehow?

If you have a stained glass or leaded glass window in your home, you may notice that it tends to allow heat or cold to pass through very easily. Older types of glass were not typically made to insulate a home and may only be thin panes that offer little insulating factors.

Unfortunately, a second pane or added glazing cannot simply be added to one side of the glass, for more insulation, as even double-glazed windows are actually sealed together during their production. You may want to add weather-stripping around the window frame for added insulation, but rarely can a technician somehow strengthen specialty glass.
